Recommendation for spiny-tailed dragons / Uromastyx: The perfect UV lighting

The spiny-tailed agama, also known as Uromastyx, is a popular terrarium animal as it is relatively easy to care for. To ensure that the reptiles feel comfortable in your terrarium, the right lighting is crucial.

Why is lighting so important?

Spiny-tailed dragons are diurnal and therefore require not only warmth, but also sufficient UVB light for the synthesis of vitamin D3. This vitamin is crucial for the health of the agamas as it enables the absorption of calcium. Without sufficient UVB light, they can suffer from serious health problems, in particular bone softening (rickets).

The ideal solution: UV metal halide lamps

To ensure that your spiny-tailed dragons receive the necessary UVB radiation, we recommend the use of UV metal halide lamps. These lamps are particularly effective as they not only emit heat and UVB, but also UVA and visible light. The combination of these elements ensures that your agamas not only synthesize sufficient vitamin D3, but also have a natural and appealing environment.

Why UV metal halide lamps?

1. high UVB output: UV metal halide lamps have a high UVB output that meets the needs of spiny-tailed agamas. This is particularly important for calcium uptake and the prevention of health problems.

2. heat and brightness: These lamps not only produce UV radiation, but also heat. Spiny-tailed dragons originate from the hot desert areas of North Africa, so it is important that their environment is suitably warm. The metal halide lamps provide both the necessary UV radiation and the required heat.

3. natural visible light: UV metal halide lamps also emit bright visible light that mimics the natural light conditions in the spiny-tailed dragons' habitats. This not only creates a realistic environment, but also promotes the natural behavior of the animals.

Conclusion: The health of your agamas comes first

The right lighting is not only aesthetically important, but also crucial for the well-being and health of your spiny-tailed agamas. High-quality UV metal halide lamps ensure that your terrarium inhabitants have the optimum environment to lead a happy and healthy life.

Depending on their body size, we recommend UV lamps between 35 and 70 watts. Bei Jungtieren genügt eine 35 Watt Lampe mit 30cm Abstand zum Bodengrund. Adulte Tiere vertragen eine 70 Watt Lampe mit 40cm Abstand. Das ist der perfekte Sonnenplatz für deine Uromastyx.