Calcium (more precisely: calcium carbonate) is very important for reptiles - just like we humans - for the bone structure.

Calcium deficiency leads to diseases such as rickets (bone softening), deformities, carapax softening with turtles and general growth disorders. How can we prevent this?

Kalziummangel Röntgen

The main cause of calcium deficiency is too little UVB light in the terrarium. This UVB light together with heat radiation form the important vitamin D3 in the uppermost layers of the skin. Without vitamin D3, the body cannot store calcium in the bones and the animal becomes ill. Young animals or pregnant females in particular have an increased need. Modern UV lighting in the terrarium with a suitable reptile lamp (UVB lamp) as is also offered by Reptiles Expert is ideal (recommendation: UVB metal halide lamps).
Since calcium...

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