Why UVB light is also important for snakes

Snakes often live in secret and spend their days hidden away. But did you know that they can benefit from the sun's rays just like us humans? UVB light plays a crucial role in the well-being and health of snakes. In this news blog, we will take a closer look at why UVB light is also important for these reptiles.

Natural source of vitamin D3

Although the main source of vitamin D3 for snakes is food intake, UVB light plays a supporting role. In the wild, snakes often expose themselves to the sun to warm up. In doing so, they absorb UVB rays, which are necessary for the production of vitamin D3 in their skin. Adequate vitamin D3 levels are crucial for the absorption of calcium and therefore bone health.

Control of harmful bacteria

UVB light also has antimicrobial properties that help keep harmful bacteria on the surface of snakes' skin under control. This also applies to fungi and viruses. This not only supports their skin health, but also helps to prevent infections. A clean and healthy skin condition is of great importance for snakes, as their skin plays an important role in respiration and moisture regulation.

Improved well-being and health

Immune modulation - triggered by UVB light - also strengthens the body's own defense and immune system. UVB light has been proven to have positive effects on the general well-being of snakes. Sufficient UVB irradiation promotes activity, appetite and contributes to overall improved health. The positive influence on white blood cells and betaendorphins also ensures well-being. Snakes that are regularly exposed to UVB light therefore often exhibit more lively behavior.

Intensification of color variants

Excitingly, breeders have reported that UVB light can help to increase the intensity of color variants in snakes - for example in royal / ball pythons. This could be due to the positive effects of UV light on the pigmentation and general metabolism of the snakes. A vibrant play of colors not only makes the snakes themselves more attractive, but can also increase the keepers' enjoyment of these fascinating animals.

Bright visible light source

In addition to UVB light, snakes also benefit from a bright visible light source. This is not only beneficial for their activities during the day, but also helps to regulate their day-night rhythm. A balanced light spectrum therefore not only promotes their physical health, but also their mental health.

UVB light therefore has a positive influence on snakes

From the production of vitamin D3 to the control of bacteria and the intensification of color variations - the benefits are manifold. So if you want to provide your snake with the best possible care, the provision of UVB light in your terrarium should become an integral part of your care routine. A happy and healthy life for your snake starts with the right balance of UV light, visible light and heat. For this reason, a UV metal halide lamp is recommended for the basking area - the light cone should cover the entire animal.