Bearded dragon with Reptiles Expert 70 Watt UVB lampBearded dragon with Reptiles Expert 70 Watt UVB lamp

The Perfect Lighting for Your Bearded Dragon Terrarium

Bearded dragons are wonderful reptiles that have gained popularity as terrarium pets. If you're considering keeping a bearded dragon, ensuring the right lighting in their terrarium is crucial. In this blog post, we will discuss the necessary lighting, particularly UV light, for a bearded dragon terrarium and provide valuable tips on lighting equipment, specifically aimed at beginners.

Why is UV Light and a Proper Sunspot Important for Bearded Dragons?

Bearded dragons (Pogona, part of the Agamidae family) originate from the sunny deserts of Australia, making them true sun enthusiasts. In their natural habitat, the average sun exposure reaches 250 to 300 watts per square meter. In contrast, Central Europe sees a maximum of 110 watts per square meter, resulting in shorter, moister, and cooler summers. However, achieving sufficient temperatures and UV radiation is vital for bearded dragons. Their well-being depends heavily on the following factors:

UV Light:

There are two main types of UV light to consider: UVB and UVA. UVB light is particularly essential as it stimulates the production of Vitamin D3 in a bearded dragon's skin, crucial for preventing bone diseases and other health issues. Ensure you use high-quality UVB lamps specifically recommended for reptiles. UVA light contributes to stimulating their natural behavior and well-being.

Bright Visible Light:

Bearded dragons enjoy brightness since visible light is just as crucial for them as UV radiation.


In the desert, it's scorching hot, so they also need warmth (better described as heat) in their terrarium to feel comfortable. Low temperatures and cool surroundings prevent bearded dragons from reaching the necessary body temperatures, affecting their ability to hunt and digest food, and rendering them susceptible to illnesses.
The Solution: Artificial Sunspots with UV Metal Halide Lamps

For bearded dragons, we recommend an artificial sunspot with intense UV lighting

UV Lamp (Metal Halide)

It is advisable to use a UV lamp of at least 70 watts at a distance of 30-40 cm above the ground. For larger terrariums and adult dragons, you can even use a 150-watt UV lamp at a distance of up to 50 cm. It's crucial that the entire body of the bearded dragon is covered by the light cone so that the entire skin surface can be used for Vitamin D3 synthesis. This lamp technology is now the industry standard and provides everything necessary for a sunspot: UV light, bright visible light, and heat. An electronic ballast is necessary for operating this UV metal halide lamp. It starts the lamp and then regulates the current flow.

Proper Positioning of Lamps

The position of the lamps is critical. The UVB lamp should be placed so that the bearded dragon has direct access to the radiation without obstacles like glass or plastic that could block the UV light. The lamp should ideally be positioned directly above the animal to prevent a slanted light incidence and protect the reptile's eyes. Otherwise, there's a risk of conjunctivitis.

Lighting Cycle and Monitoring

Set up the lighting cycle to mimic the natural day-night rhythm of your bearded dragon. Typically, the lights should be on for 10-12 hours during the day, followed by 10-12 hours of darkness. Regularly monitor the temperature and light intensity in the terrarium to ensure your bearded dragon's needs are met. Keep in mind that UV lamps lose intensity over time (UVB radiation decreases), so they should be replaced every 12 months. The lamp (more exact: the electronic ballast) can be connected to a timer.

Space for Shade

Remember that bearded dragons also need shaded spots in the terrarium to protect themselves from excessive light. Use plants and decorations to create hiding places. These intelligent reptiles know when it's time to hide. Additionally, it's essential to clean the terrarium regularly and check the lamps.

In conclusion, the right lighting is the key to the health and well-being of your bearded dragon. With the proper light sources (the UV metal halide lamp) and appropriate setup, you create an environment in which your bearded dragons feel at home. Always remember to stay informed about the specific needs of your bearded dragons and consult a veterinarian or experienced bearded dragon keepers in case of uncertainty. With this, nothing stands in the way of a happy life for your reptile friends!